Holy Gadget Batman Apple Releases *Insert Name Here*

9 June, 2008

Archived Posts, Blogging

Warning:*This post may contain spoilers!*

As the picture shows Apple has done it again. They’ve just announced it at the WWDC08 in San Francisco. I know that because I’m liveblogging from the PWAAWWDC08 (People Who Aren’t Attending WWDC08 aka. my living room).

They’ve taken *insert common gadget name here* reinvented and redesigned it. All I can say is: The new Apple i*insert Apple gadget name here* is freakin’ awesome!!!

I can wait to get my hands on the i*insert Apple gadget name here*!

According to Steve Jobs the suggested retail price will be $5.499 which is pretty cheap for a i*insert Apple gadget name here*.

I know a lot of students will have to get one. Most bloggers will get one for free. They need something to attach the schwag to.

Again thank you very much Steve Jobs. The Apple i*insert Apple gadget name here* is awesome. I can’t believe you guys have done it again.

I can’t wait until you release the SDK in a year so the business people can get one too and actually use it.

UPDATE: Some of my readers have pointed out that I’ve forgotten to put in the name of the new iSomething. I’m terribly sorry about that.

UPDATE 2: More readers have pointed out that my big head is hiding the actual new Apple thingy. Again I apologies.

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  • Rickyrich

    LOLZ u are funny!